The researchers dubbed their creation “lysibodies翻譯社” and made three types: two derived from viruses, one from bacteria. All were designed to kill Staphylococcus aureus翻譯社 a common bacterium responsible for everything from minor skin infections to pneumonia and meningitis. While many of these infections can be treated with antibiotics, the emergence of strains of drug-resistant Staph, including one known as MRSA翻譯社 has created a need for a new way to fight these pathogens.
在利用小老鼠的諸多實驗中,Fischetti的團隊哄騙上述方法成功治療,由抗二甲氧苯青黴素金黃色葡萄球菌(MRSA:Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus)激發威脅人命的傳染。
即使如斯,細胞溶素及抗體佈局共有諸多相似處,是以使得這些研究人員產生一個構思。 Just as disease-causing bacteria seek to infect us翻譯社 some viruses prey upon bacteria. And these viral predators have developed a keen ability to latch onto and cut through the outer surface or walls of the bacteria, killing the cells in the process. They do so using molecular snippers called lysins that bind to specific carbohydrates in cell walls. 原文網址:https://www.rockefeller.edu/news/19180-scientists-engineer-human-germ-hybrid-molecules-attack-drug-resistant-bacteria/ 此些研究人員稱號他們的締造物為“lysibodies”且創造了三種類型:兩種源自病毒,一種源自細菌。全數旨在殺死金黃色葡萄球菌,這是一種致使從輕細皮膚傳染到肺炎及腦膜炎等疾病的常見細菌。 因為產生細胞溶素的病毒幾近能傳染所有細菌,是以lysibodies能被製造來匹敵引發疾病的細菌翻譯另外,Fischetti傳播鼓吹:「根據他們的研究結果,除細胞溶素之外,利用對任何病原體(病毒、寄生物或真菌類)上的標的,具有高度親和性的任何份子來產生夾雜抗體,也許是可能的。這類方式可能使得研發流行症的新類型免疫力增強療法,成為可能翻譯」 The human immune system, meanwhile, has a blind spot for carbs. It produces antibodies that are particularly good at binding to proteins on bacterial cell walls, thereby tagging the bacteria for destruction by immune cells. But when their target is a carbohydrate, not a protein, the human antibodies fall short. Fischetti實驗副研究員,Assaf Raz傳播鼓吹:「抗體及細胞溶素二者具有兩種不相關聯的成份。」 In work described in the Proceedings for the National Academy of Sciences on April 17, the team engineered molecules that accomplish something viruses do much better than the human immune system; namely翻譯社 targeting specific carbohydrate molecules that appear on the surfaces of bacterial cells.
“Bacteria-infecting viruses have molecules that recognize and tightly bind to these common components of the bacterial cell’s surface that the human immune system largely misses. We have co-opted these molecules翻譯社 and we’ve put them to work helping the human immune system fight off microbial pathogens,” says Vincent A. Fischetti, head of the Laboratory of Bacterial Pathogenesis and Immunology.
於諸多實驗中,猶如他們的期盼,該團隊發現此些lysibodies附著於金黃色葡萄球菌概況的碳水化合物,且引發免疫細胞進行吞噬並加以摧毀。因為多種類型的相幹細菌能具有鎖定溝通的碳水化合物標的,是以這些lysibodies逮住了各類的金黃色葡萄球菌。 “Both antibodies and lysins have two discrete components. They both have a part that binds their respective target翻譯社 but whereas the second component of lysins cuts the bacterial cell wall, in antibodies it coordinates an immune response翻譯社” says Assaf Raz, a research associate in Fischetti’s lab who led the experiments. “This made it possible for us to mix and match, combining the viral piece responsible for latching onto a carbohydrate with the part of the antibody that tells immune cells how to respond.”
洛克斐勒大學細菌病發學暨免疫學實行室主任,Vincent A. Fischetti傳播鼓吹:「傳染細菌的病毒具有,辨認並與細菌細胞概況,人類免疫系統大半疏漏掉之共有成份慎密連系的份子翻譯他們已經徵用此些份子,且使其起了協助人類免疫系統擊退微生物病原體的感化。
另一方面,人類免疫系統對於碳水化合物具有盲點。其產生特殊善於與細菌細胞壁之卵白質連系的抗體,從而標志此細菌供免疫細胞摧毀。 在2017年4月17日《美國國度科學院院刊》記敘的研究中,該團隊工程革新了,能實現諸多病毒顯露比人類免疫系統更佳之事(也就是,鎖定泛起於細菌細胞外面的特定碳水化合物份子)的份子。 The team also looked to bacteria themselves: Like viruses翻譯社 bacteria produce a similar carbohydrate-binding and cutting molecule, which they use to alter their own cell walls during growth. As they did with the lysins, the researchers combined the binding region from one of these remodeling enzymes with a piece of human antibody. The process of testing lysibodies’ potential to fight MRSA and other dangerous Staph infections in humans has already begun. The Tri-Institutional Therapeutics Discovery Institute, a partnership established to expedite early-stage drug discovery, is manufacturing lysibodies and has plans to begin testing their safety. Even so, lysins and antibodies share some similarities in their structures. And that gave the researchers an idea.
於人類中,測試lysibodies對抗MRSA及其他危險葡萄球菌傳染的潛力早已最先進行。 Since nearly all bacteria may be infected by lysin-producing viruses, lysibodies could be produced against many disease bacteria. Furthermore翻譯社 “based on our results, it may be possible to use not just lysins, but any molecule with a high affinity toward a target on any pathogen—be it virus翻譯社 parasite, or fungus—to create hybrid antibodies,” Fischetti says. “This approach could make it possible to develop a new class of immune boosting therapies for infectious diseases.” Inspired by viruses that attack and kill bacteria, researchers at The Rockefeller University have created an entirely new weapon against disease-causing bacteria that shows great promise for treating drug-resistant infections. 翻譯:許東榮 In experiments with mice, Fischetti’s team used this approach to successfully treat life-threatening infections by MRSA, a bacterium that is resistant to conventional antibiotics—results that suggest they may have found a new way to fight superbugs like MRSA. In experiments, the team found that, as they had hoped翻譯社 the lysibodies attached to the carbohydrates on the surface of Staph and induced immune cells to engulf and destroy them. Since multiple types of related bacteria can have the same carbohydrate targets, the lysibodies grabbed onto a variety of strains of Staph. As an added benefit翻譯社 one even latched onto more far-flung relatives, including the bacteria responsible for strep throat and urinary tract infections. 靈感來自進擊並殺死細菌的病毒,美國洛克斐勒大學的研究人員們業已締造出一種,匹敵激發疾病之細菌,且揭示大有指望醫治具抗藥性細菌傳染的全新兵器翻譯 The lysibodies further proved their mettle by thwarting MRSA. Treatment with one lysibody greatly improved the survival of MRSA-infected mice, while treatment with another prevented severe kidney infections in the rodents.
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